Sunday, October 31, 2010

Estate Sale & Craigslist finds

I got some good stuff this weekend ya'll! Check this out:

It is a Lane Antique ceder chest! I got it on Craigslist for $35! At some point someone painted it white and the paint has worn to the point of looking shabby chic. So, I just wiped it down and cleaned the inside out and it all ready for my living room!

The chest's home is in front of my double window in the living room with a couple of quilts lounging on top. It is empty now but I plan to fill it with seasonable quilts. 

At an estate sale I found the following:

vintage magnets!

Look at all this I got:

antique sewing caddy full of vintage notions, two plastic sewing boxes with more vintage notions, and a huge 2yd sized cutting board

here is the caddy all folded up

I also got this cute vintage "writing paper" set with paper and envelopes. It says, " for fancy ladies" on the front! Cute! 

Friday, October 22, 2010


I won't be posting about my quilting adventures for a little while. My in-law's house caught fire Tuesday night and everything since then has been a blur. There is a lot of work to be done. I most likely won't be participating the Blogger's Quilt Festival as I had planned and I may not post here for a while.

I just wanted to give a quick update of what is going on. Our family would appreciate your prayers.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Beauty and The Beast

I bought this table top ironing board at a yard sale over the weekend for $1. As you can see, the cover is a bit sad. It is dirty and a weird fabric and a not so pretty blue. Being the frugal lady I am I didn't want to buy a new cover. I found this tutorial and went to work!

So, here is the beast:

And, here is the beauty:

The tutorial was wonderfully simple and I was able to do this very quickly! It was so fast and easy I decided to recover my main board also.

 The beast:

The beauty:

I'm not procrastinating on finishing my Christmas quilt I have been posting about. I just have not found a backing for it yet. I do not like to buy things full price and haven't been able to find a sheet marked down anywhere big enough for it. I found a nice red sheet at Target but it was a full and I need a queen size. Oh well, good things come to those who wait.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Go Light Your Candle

Today is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day. It comes October 15th of every year and for many it means nothing much. I didn't even know it existed before this year. Everyone all over the world is asked to light a candle at 7pm so that for one whole day a candle will be burning in remembrance of all babies lost for various reasons.

I miscarried two babies this year. The first was June 2nd. My husband, Adam, and I had been trying for a child for a year and seven months and then I finally got pregnant. I couldn't believe it when I looked at the two faint pink lines of the test on May 31st. I showed Adam and he just grinned and said, "Oh boy!" What a happy day that was. It was more than happy, it was plain joyful!

We immediately started guessing if I was going to have a girl or boy and fantasising about a child playing happily in our living room floor. I was thinking about how my time had finally come after all those months of hoping and praying.

All that joy was short lived, however, because two very short days later on June 2nd I miscarried my baby at five weeks one day along.

The hardest thing to deal with is that I have nothing to show for my baby. I have no grave to visit and I had no funeral to grieve at. All I had in my mind was an image of a baby lying in a sewer pipe crying for his mother to hold him. Worst of all I didn't even receive a birth certificate. My baby is not even recognized by the state. I had to remind myself that my baby was recognized by God and He is all that matters.

Jeremiah 1:5   Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

I had many well wishers try to comfort me during that time but they hadn't gone through what I had and didn't know what to say. Unless you have experienced a miscarriage you don't know what to say to one who has. The most comforting words came from those who had went through what I had. Words like, "it is ok to feel whatever you are feeling and grieve however you want," were a blessing. Other words were well meaning but didn't help like, "you can try again," "at least it was early," and "those things just happen." A word of advice: if you don't know what to say to someone who has had a miscarriage simply say, "I'm sorry."

I grieved heavily for a few days but then I felt a determination to get pregnancy again. I learned that one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage and many people I knew had miscarriages and just didn't tell anyone. I was optimistic I could get pregnant again and have a child just like all those other women.

I got a positive pregnancy test August 4th and I soon learned that having a miscarriage once robs you of more than a baby. It robs you of having pure joy ever again while you are pregnant. You will never be at peace while pregnant because you are terrified of it happening again. You feel you can't get attached because you may loose that baby at any moment.

I made an appointment with my doctor immediately because I just couldn't have that dreaded circumstance happen again. I had my HCG tested and it was going up and up. Everything looked great. I was happy but still a bit guarded. I got through the five week mark with no problems and was beginning to slowly allow myself to feel joyful. I silently thought, "this is it, I'm getting my baby!"

I made it to six weeks and I was really happy then. Adam and I even cruised down a few baby isles thinking about buying those little outfits and pastel colored toys and soft blankets. I had an appointment at six weeks, three days and I was worried sick waiting on the results of the ultrasound. The doctor said I was measuring at four weeks, not six weeks. I hid it but I knew something was wrong. I was thinking in my heart it was just a matter of time. The doctor said not be worried and that maybe the date had just been figured wrong. I really think she was lying to me then.

I got the results of my HCG back on my birthday, August 30th, and they weren't good. The nurse told me they were falling and I should expect to miscarry soon. Her voice was cold and matter-of-fact like. I felt numb and didn't know what to think. I think I was still holding out hope that it wouldn't happen. But it did. That evening my second baby slipped away to be with the Lord.

Another pregnancy without a baby. No grave, no funeral, no certificate. All I had was an empty womb and  an even more empty heart. Turns out that baby stopped growing at 4 weeks and while I was dreaming about what he or she would grow to be, they were already with Jesus singing beautiful songs to Him.

I have since been to a different doctor who has preformed several tests and could find nothing wrong with me. There is no reason for my losses and no reason I can't carry a baby to term. At least, she hasn't found one yet.

Today, I'm not sure I can try again. I'm not sure I am strong enough to go through another loss. I look at pregnant women today and think, "Why are they so happy? Don't they know what could happen?" Many don't. They push miscarriages under the rug like a dirty secret. Some states offer birth certificates for miscarriages at any stage in pregnancy, others will only issue one after so many weeks. It isn't about who is pro life or pro choice. It is about having your loss recognized as an actual loss. Please seek out your state politicians and encourage them to pass new laws supporting the issuing of birth certificates for miscarriages at any stage of pregnancy. Don't allow more lives to go unnoticed without official certificates of birth.

Please light your candles tonight at 7pm. If you don't know anyone who has lost a baby in pregnancy or infancy, remember mine.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Finished Top

Yay! I finally finished the Peppermint Pinwheel quilt top! I purchased the darker red print fabric for the outer borer this morning and sewed it up today. I was worried it wouldn't go well, but I think it is a nice accompaniment! 

I hope to get this quilted next week. I'm going to have to shop for a backing over the weekend. I'd like to do a red or green sheet but I will see what I can find. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gathered Clutch

I made this today while I am waiting to get some fabric tomorrow to finish my Christmas quilt. Isn't it cute? I found the tutorial here.  

I had a little trouble with sewing the zipper but I figured I was just not used to my zipper foot. I think this may be the first time I used it. (I'm seriously afraid of zippers) So, making these should ease me into the world of sewing zips. 

Don't you love the print? It is vintage and I have very little left. I thought this would be a great way to use it. 

I see many more of these in my future!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pinwheel Progress

I feel like I have been working on this quilt FOREVER!!! I feel as though I will never finsih this thing!

Here is what I have so far:

All my blocks laid out.

Everything sewed together with two borders.

Ok, so I am stuck right now. This quilt needs another border that is a darker print than the rest to tie everything together. I need somewhat of a modern print since the rest of the prints are modern. Right now it is about 85in square and I need it to get it to at least 96in square. 

I have to wait until Thursday for the Christmas fabric to go 50% off at my favorite store before I can purchase what I need. So, this top is waiting for me until then. Sigh. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Slowly I Sew... Stitch by Stitch

I turned all those HST units into 13 pinwheel star blocks! Pretty, huh? They are called Peppermint Pinwheels.

Now, I must make some rail fence blocks to go with them from these prints:

Sew them all together and add a few borders and I will have this:

I love this pattern for Christmas quilt, but I wouldn't call it a beginner project, nor would I be able to complete it in a weekend as the description says. In a weekend, really? Maybe if you weren't doing a queen size quilt,  didn't have other obligations and lived as a hermit. Even then I'm not sure I could complete the whole thing in one weekend.

On to enjoy the wonderful weather we are having outside and then back inside for some more sewing!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I think 158 half-square triangles is enough for one day. Don't you?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yard Sale Goodies

There were a ton of yard/tag/estate sales in the paper but I only found a few that looked like they would be any good. So, off we went early this morning, at about 7:30, because I heard of a few sales with fabric. Around here, the fabric won't last very long so we had to get out early. 

The first sale I found a bin with sacks of fabric for $0.50 per sack. I got two; the others had fabric for upholstery and clothing.  That is where most of the fabric in the picture came from. Starting from the top: vintage orange/brown paisley, blue/white plaid, orange/black halloween print, vintage blue flowers, and a red/white plaid at the top.

The next yard sale was actually an estate sale where they sell everything in the house. In this case it was a flower shop business. I got the three bottom fabrics above: blue flags, blue stars, and vintage blue with flowers. There is nice yardage on all of them. I got all the fabric in the pic for a total of $3.50.

I also found a stack of quilting books. I would have bought them all but I picked out a few that I couldn't leave without because a few of them were priced way to high.  I got two BH&G Quilting magazines from Oct 05 and Feb 06. They always have nice patterns in them. I also got Time Crunch Quilts by Nancy Martin. I thumbed through it and saw lots of quilts I'd like to make. The other book is Quilting for People Who Still Don't Have Time to Quilt by Marti Mitchell. It is filled with simple quilts made from squares and strips using easy piecing techniques. Lastly, there is a small book called Vintage Gathering by Kaye England. It has well-known quilt patterns in it using stars and squares. I got all the books for $6.50.

If you noticed a cat tail in this photo, you would be correct. He ran through right as I was taking the shot. He had to be sure and examine each item I bought!

I have been cleaning all week trying to get the house in a nice clean state so it will be pleasant to stay inside during the winter. I didn't do any sewing this week but I hope to get started this coming week on a nice warm winter quilt for our bed. I better hurry because the cold is approaching fast!